Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My new hobbie

Jupiter and I want our children to understand, speak, read and write Spanish. We are doing a pretty good job with the first one, but the other three tasks are considerably harder to accomplish. Jove speaks some Spanish, understands that it is a different language than English and that some people only speak Spanish. Jupiter only speaks Spanish to him, but of course Jove responds in English. This is passive bilingualism and we want active bilingualism, where Jove initiates speaking in Spanish without being prompted.
He is so dominant in English that I decided to work hard to increase his Spanish skills. I have been reading to him in Spanish, speaking only Spanish as the family language the days that my MIL stays with us and we have been singing a lot of Latin American children's songs. My husband and MIL didn't know the words to many of them, so I have been on a research mission. We have gotten CDs, looked up lyrics and found animated videos of the songs on youtube. We have been singing them in the car and watching the videos everyday. The quality of the videos isn't that great, but Jove is starting to sing the songs and ask me to sing them to him. Woo Hoo!!!

This is one of Jove's favorites and one he knows.
Los Pollitos
(The Baby Chicks)

This is one of my favorites:
La Orquestra de los Peces
(The Fish Orchestra)

I realize that this music is pretty cheesy, for that matter, I am pretty cheesy lately. When Jove gets a little older I'll teach him the words to Latin music for grown ups, bit for right now it is a little too abstract for him to relate to.

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